Kieto's Daily Recipe and Funnies

Kieto's Daily Recipe and Funnies has been around for 9 years. Many of our family of subscribers have been with me that long. This is going to be a new experience posting my ezine in a blog from here on out. I hope it goes good.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Fun Friday with Boxcar Pete

Hi ya! I hope you all have a great weekend.

Here's one of my favorite stories to start the weekend off with a bang.


Boxcar Pete and the Three Blind Mice by Kieto

Boxcar Pete had been working for the railroad for 45 years and he was just one day away from retirement. He was a rough and tough old bird, but he also had a heart of gold. Over the years, he had to remove many transients, or hobos, from the empty boxcars, but would always offer a bit of advice, a reassuring pat on the back and possibly a few dollars to help them out from time to time.
Each day, he would show up for work in his coveralls and the same hat he had been wearing for those 45 years. He'd check the box cars in the assigned out-going trains for hobo's or anyone else possibly trying to steal a lift to a nearby town. Although he was only one day away from retirement, that morning was no different than any other.

Walking along the tracks checking the empty box cars, one by one, peering in from the door and then closing it, he heard something peculiar as he approached the next box car to be checked. It was music. Beautiful music! Music like he never heard before. Curious, he crept along making sure he didn't make any noises. When he got to the door, he opened it very slowly and peered in. He was astonished at what he saw. It was three mice playing little instruments. One was playing a rubberband with his mouth, another played the drums on an old spool of thread with two tooth picks, and the third was playing a hollow tube made from a small ladies hair clasp. He also noticed that they had no tails.

Boxcar Pete climbed into the box car, sat and listened for a little while. When he started to tell them how much he enjoyed their music, they stopped playing and just froze because you see, they were three 'blind' mice. He assured them that nothing would happen to them. They explained that they were on the run and had been for some time and thought the person looking for them finally caught up with them. He asked, "What happened to you?"

And in unison, they sang...

" We're three blind mice, three blind mice, you should have seen us run, we all ran after the farmers wife, who cut off our tails with a carving knife, did you ever see such a thing in your life, we' re three blind mice, three blind mice!"

Boxcar pete was so impressed, he took them home with him and promised no harm would ever come to them. He spent his retirement years on his front porch swing, with a glass of tea each night listening to his friends, the three blind mice entertain him with music from the 30's and 40's. He also had to oil them every once in awhile. Why? Because mice squeak!

After many years, Boxcar Pete said in jest as to give them comfort, "Why do mice have long tails anyways?" To which the three blind mice replied, "Well, they would look pretty funny with long hair!"

And one time, his basement flooded and the three blind mice almost drowned. How did Boxcar Pete save them you ask? He used mouse to mouse resuscitation! And they lived happily ever after.

The End


Rescu-Pup's Corner
Learn and Laugh with Rescu-Pup

Thanks, Kieto, for putting together all the Friday fun!! I promised to tell you more about our picnic in the park...This second part of our story is called "THE ATTACK OF THE PICNIC MESSER-UPPERS!!"

We have just about finished playing games when a friend shows up for the picnic. It's ZIGGY THE CAT--and we we're so glad to see Ziggy because this cat can really throw a frisbee!
Ziggy is bringing something GREAT for the picnic--It's Kieto's Cauliflower Potato Salad!! Ziggy's favorite part of the salad are the 3 hard cooked eggs,chopped. Ziggy says "Buon Appetito," which is Italian for "Dig In!!!"

We are all enjoying the salad, but little crumbs of egg, scallions and chopped parsley are everywhere...(Everyone say "CUE THE MESSER-UPPERS!")...Look-- here come THOUSANDS OF ANTS!!! They're coming this way!

Mighty Minds, can you finish this sentence?Ants can live in groups as large as:
l. 300
2. 3000
3. 300 million

Any guess shows you are smart, but the answer is number 3. HOW TO STOP THE ANTS? Ziggy says to "RAISE THE SECURITY NET-- THEY CAN'T GET PAST IT!" "Sorry...We forgot to pack one..." (Ooops!) ZIGGY TO THE RESCUE: Ziggy eats up all the little crumbs we dropped! THERE ARE NO MORE CRUMBS! THIS MEANS THE ANTS GO BACK HOME!

I'm proud to be your friend, Rescu-Pup


Our Friends

i live in best friend made this veryery recipe.linda i loved it..been looking for it for loved it there it is..ty very much ..i loveyour news letter..a friend in arkansas....i have alot of your recipes in a folder called Kitos..ty i save them.. ty so much ...Patricia

That's cool Patricia. Glad I made somebodies day. lol. Thanks. Kieto

Just a quick note to say thanks, have tried all the recipes, and other than the blue cheese (not fond of that) each one is really great. Gonna change the cheese so we can go for 100%! Can't wait to get started on the "potato" salad, that is a tomorrow meal. You are aces!!!! Jessie

I am making that one this weekend. Glad you are enjoying the recipes. Kieto

You brought back some great memories of Salas - I worked just north of them in the early 1940's, they used to make cherry ice-cream that was to die for - we used to walk down the alley and get sandwiches from Berras - used to go in the kitchen from the back door and watch them put them together - when I worked there it was Mines Equipment Co., and later on it was a photo place- the plant made fire control equipment for the armed services, I wish I could remember where the main plant was - you are far too young to remember that era. Faye

I'm young if I don't look in the mirror. However, you are right. I went to Salas when I was a kid and later as an adult. Loved that place. This is what Joann said:

I just have to add my (.02 cents) worth about Sala's Restaurant that you mentioned on Wednesday. You talked about going there when you were young. Well believe it or not I also went there when I was young and I know that I'm much older then you. If you ask your Mom she probably went there too on "Date Night". The big thing was to go to a "Big Movie" House where they had Double Features on Friday and Saturday Night. After the movies on the way home we went to Sala's for their huge juicy Hamburger and their "Thick Malts" that wouldn't even pour out of the metal mixing container. We did all this while taking Street Cars and later Buses. Of course I was escorted home by my Boy Friend who was soon to be my Husband. His problem was by the time we did all of this he almost always missed the "Last Street Car" and had to walk home. Poor Guy! I guess I was worth it because we were together over (50) years. Of course by then we were out of money and couldn't do anything but walk around together the rest of the week. Good Night and Hugs JoM


See ya Monday.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Cauliflower Potato Salad

Hi ya. I got an update from Lisa who's son is in Germany. It is in the Our Friends section below.

Yesterday, I had a funeral to sing and another tour at my church. The funeral was for the last surviving member of the Sala family who owned Sala's Restaurant. Back during the Depression, they cooked dinners for people who had no money. After the Depression, and things got better, people returned and it was a thriving business for many years. I remember when I was little, my Grandfather took me there once to bring meat. As most of you know, my Grandfather Rossario was a butcher. It was a nice funeral.

Today, I have another tour mini-concert. Before I do that though, I've got to go pick up my Mom's medicine. Busy week. That's a good thing.

The Recipe

I never had this one either but it sounds interesting and will make it this weekend. I love cauliflower. There are no potatoes in it but I guess they call it that because the taste is similiar? hmmm. We'll see. Let's do it!

Cauliflower Potato Salad (4.8g Carbohydrates)
Serves 6

1 head cauliflower, cut into florets
1/2 cup slices scallions, including the green
3 celery ribs, chopped fine, including some inner leaves
1/2 green bell pepper, chopped fine
1/4 cup chopped parsley
Salt and Pepper to taste
3 hard-cooked eggs, chopped
1/2 to 1 teaspoon celery seed
Paprika to garnish

2 teaspoons dry mustard
2 tablespoons cider vinegar
1 cup mayonnaise

Steam the cauliflower florets until crispy tender but not soft. Set aside to cool. Put the scallions, celery, bell pepper, and parsley in a large salad bowl. Add salt and pepper.

Make the dressing, mixing the mustard, vinegar and mayonnaise in a small bowl until smooth. When cauliflower is cool, chop and add it to the vegetables and celery seeds and mix well.

Sprinkle paprika on top and cover with plastic wrap. Let sit in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours for flavors to develop.

Buon appetito!


American Idol

It is Andrew Lloyd Webber week. Lloyd Webber has enjoyed great popular success, with several musicals that have run for more than a decade both in the West End and on Broadway.

Jason was terrible; Brooke messed up in the beginning and had to stop. It surprised the heck out of me. Read more here.


Rescu-Pup's Corner
Learn and Laugh with Rescu-Pup

Thanks, Kieto, for the great recipes and for giving me an "extra home" in Rescu-Pup's corner. I've gone from being a homeless puppy to really "feeling at home."

Since summer is coming, I'm thinking about BUGS! I'm also in the mood for a PICNIC, and you know bugs are going to show up for that! Let's say you and I pack a picnic lunch with Kieto's tasty Chicken and Blue Cheese Roll-Ups and some bottles of lemonade.

Let's find a nice grassy spot at the park and put down my blanket that says "Spring Festival at Bug World 2007." (Wow! That was some weekend in 2007...Wish you had been there with me...Did I hear someone say, "YUCK"?)

Mighty Minds, please choose the answer you like best:
1. "YUCK" makes R.Pup feel good about his wish.
2. "Please, Bug World Bus, don't stop at my house!!"

After we eat, it's a great time to play some games! You can throw sticks, and I'll run after them and bring them back. You might want to throw a softball with your other friends. Don't throw the softball to me because if I catch it in my mouth, it gets kind of...SQUISHY!!

See you next time and we'll hear about THE ATTACK OF THE PICNIC MESSER-UPPERS!!

I'm proud to be your friend, Rescu-Pup


Our Friends

Lisa' Son Update

Thank you for the information, Kieto, and thank you for printing my email - he still needs prayer! We finally got a call from our son and even a quick video - they have a computer with a video camera at the hospital so that was nice and I sure felt better seeing his face! The conditions of the hospital seem clean and they have access to all the necessities they need. What isn't nice is that he is still awaiting surgery on the arm where the break is at the wrist. It appears they are understaffed because no one has a moment to show any compassion at all or take care of the injured. His head injury was never even looked at, even though he had a huge knot from hitting his head after falling three stories! It's gone down now, so I'm just hoping and praying that means everything is ok. When he arrived at this hospital he was even expected to carry in his own bags!! (Hello? Two broken arms?!) The soldiers do take care of each other and he found another soldier to carry his bags inside. I really appreciate your prayers!! I thought it was bad during his last tour when the roadside bomb got his humvee and both his eardrums burst. I guess that was just the warm up, because this is definitely harder to deal with! I have a better attitude when I'm praying for others (like Marion, Connie, and your mom!) so my prayer list keeps growing!! Thanks again. Lisa & family & kitties in So CA

Thanks Lisa and I am sure Marion, Connie and Mom appreciates your prayers as well. Kieto


See ya on Fun Friday with one of my favorite stories.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Chicken and Blue Cheese Roll-Ups

Hi ya. Before I get into todays ezine, I received this the other day from Lisa. I am sure this group will be able to help.

Hi Kieto, Could you please pray for our son, Chris? He fell through a roof in Iraq and broke both arms. It happened 3 days ago and he's in Germany now awaiting further tests and surgery. Information is very limited and as a mother I'm going crazy with worry! I talked to him for just a couple minutes the day it happened, and so did my daughter-in-law, but that's it. She hasn't received a call from an official of any kind, and all we can do is wait and pray. Thank you!! Lisa & family & kitties in So CA

I truly hope you had a nice weekend. I think we are finally into Spring here. Busy last few days for me. Thursday, I took Mom on a picnic.

When I was a kid, Mom used to pack up me and my brothers and take us to Francis Park. Those were some good ol days there. Well, I packed up a lunch I got from the market and took her to Francis Park. We sat at a picnic table and had a nice time talking about all kinds of things. She even got a kick out of the jokes I ran on Friday. Then we went to a frozen custard place for a chocolate dipped cone. Then it was a little drive around the neighborhood reminiscing along the way. That made her week.

Saturday, I had a funeral to sing at. Church was packed. I learned about who passed by listen to the eulogy before mass. I did not know these people.

He must have been a super man from not only the size of the crowd, but also by the many family members who were morning his passing.

During the eulogy, the son, who had an extremely difficult time getting through the eulogy, mentioned that his dad's favorite song was by the rock band, Pink Floyd. He said the church wouldn't allow him to play the song because it wasn't a religious song so he just read the words to it and his dad requested that this song be played at his funeral.

As I sat there listening, I thought to myself that I remembered Pink Floyd and knew how to play one song. hmmm.

We went through the Mass and at communion time, I sang 2 verses of Ave Maria. I turned and looked and there were still about 30 people waiting to receive communion so I ended the Ave Maria and paused a few moments before going into the one and only Pink Floyd song I knew.

Lo and behold, it was his favorite. I didn't sing it. I just played it while the communion procession winded down and the priest wrapped everything up. As I played, I could hear the people behind me whispering, "That's it! He's playing dad's song. That's Pink Floyd!"

After Mass, the family came up and thanked me. I am glad they recognized it. I am always amazed when anyone recognizes anything I play. HA!

Last night, I went to my Parish St. Roch's Build the Future Dinner. What a great time that was! Good food, great people and a fun time all around.

The Recipe

I never had this before bit it sounds like a winner. I love blue cheese. Maybe you don't. That's OK. Guess you can use something else. Let's do it!

Chicken and Blue Cheese Roll-Ups (544 Calories/0.8g Carbohydrates)
Serves 4

1/4 pound blue cheese, crumbled
2 ounces unsalted butter, softened
4 boneless skinless chicken breast fillets, tenderized
8 bacon slices
2-3/4 tablespoons olive oil

Mix together blue cheese and butter until smooth. If needed, place chicken breasts between 2 sheets of waxed paper and flatten with a meat mallet or rolling pin. Spread evenly on one side of each chicken breast.

Roll up the breasts, wrap with bacon, and secure with toothpicks.

Heat oil in a pan over a moderate to low heat; cook chicken rolls; turning frequently, for 15-20 minutes or until cooked through.

Buon appetito!

Rescu-Pup's Corner
Learn and Laugh with Rescu-Pup!

Thank you, Kieto, for believing in R. Pup. Also, thanks to the kind police officer who called for animal rescue help for me. Does your school have a D.A.R.E. program for kids? It's a great way to be friends with a police officer and learn how to stay safe.

Yay...Summer is almost here! It's always fun to learn about DOLPHINS! At any show about the sea, we like to see dolphins. You may see a dolphin jump through a hoop (Don't try this at home, okay?). Dolphins swim so fast and jump so high in the air...we just have to cheer and clap! The book from the library says that high jumps aren't just for shows. Dolphins do this naturally when they're out in the ocean...sometimes for fun, sometimes to let other dolphins know that they can get a GOOD MEAL if they hurry over to this part of the ocean. "Hey, you...YEAH, YOU...DOLPHIN!!...we got FISH over here!! Ziggy Cat is up there in his boat...He'll get more fish than you do if you don't HURRY UP!!!"

OKAY, MIGHTY MINDS ...Tell what you think about dolphins:
1. Dolphins are independent...don't need each other.
2. Dolphins help each other find food.

Summer will be here soon. I'm dreaming of a walk on the beach and A SUMMERTIME RECIPE from Kieto!! Summer is worth waiting for...

I'm proud to be your friend, Rescu-Pup

Our Friends

You definitely have MORE than one fan w/the same name as I am a Jeanne, also! Your Navy bean w/Ham recipe is outstanding and today will be my 2nd time to prepare it. YUM!!! Faye Jeanne

Well, we call the other Jeanne, JEANNE WHO TYPES IN CAPS!. HA! She is a great friend of our ezine. Hope you enjoyed your dinner. I made a pot roast Saturday. YUM! Ciao. Kieto


See ya Wednesday!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Fun Friday

Hi ya! It's fun Friday so I will keep it short today. This was sent to me by Phil!

A husband and wife came for counseling after 20 years of marriage. When asked what the problem was, the wife went into a passionate, painful tirade listing every problem they had ever had in the 20 years they had been married.

She went on and on and on: neglect, lack of intimacy, emptiness, loneliness, feeling unloved and unlovable, an entire laundry list of unmet needs she had endured over the course of their marriage.

Finally, after allowing this to go on for a sufficient length of time, the therapist got up, walked around the desk and, after asking the wife to stand, embraced and kissed her passionately as her husband watched with a raised eyebrow. The woman shut up and quietly sat down as though in a daze.

The therapist turned to the husband and said, 'This is what your wife needs at least three times a week. Can you do this?'

The husband thought for a moment and replied, 'Well, I can drop her off here on Mondays and Wednesdays, but on Fridays, I fish.'


Rescu-Pup Corner

Learn and Laugh with Rescu-Pup

To all the friends of Kieto, to the animal-rescue shelter and to the nice couple that adopted this puppy...I will always be thankful that you gave me a chance.

Hope you will like our topic for today...It's DINOSAURS! Stomping and roaring, NEVER BORING!! We love dinosaurs...yes we do! Now, learning about dinosaurs is kind of like going to a ball game.

You see, dinosaurs play on TWO TEAMS...Wait till you tell your class about THIS...

1. One team is called CARNIVORES, which means meat-eaters. Lots of different dinosaurs are meat-eaters. You can remember the name of the pitcher for this team,TYRANNOSAURUS also called "T-REX." His huge, sharp teeth guarantee that he can play any position he wants on this team. "T-REX" likes to be pitcher! No problem?

2. The other team is called HERBIVORES, which means plant-eaters. Lots of dinosaurs are plant-eaters. You can remember the name of the pitcher for this team, DIPLODOCUS. His teeth are just right for eating plants, and his long neck helps him reach up to eat leaves on tall trees. Let's hear it for the HERBIVORES pitcher!

All right, MIGHTY MINDS: If you could go back for a few hours and see real dinosaurs... what kind of dinosaur would be the scariest to meet? What kind of dinosaur would be the safest to meet?

IT'S TIME FOR THE GAME!! A sad thing about dinosaurs...there was no National Anthem (like we have "The Star-Spangled Banner") to play before the game. All they had was "The Dinosaur Song"...CHOMP AND CHEW!CHOMP AND CHEW!WINNER GETS 80 QUARTS OF KIETO'S STEW!Then someone yells, "PLAY BALL!!!" Another one for you, MIGHTY MINDS: First of all, KIETO IS NOT IN THE STEW!! Which of Kieto's STEW RECIPES would be great for the HERBIVORES TEAM?

Which recipe would be great for the CARNIVORES TEAM?
l. Beef Stew
2. Stewed Tomatoes

SORRY TO TELL YOU...The game wasn't very exciting this time. DIPLODOCUS pitched, and the ball came WHIZZING back...landed in a tree just outside the fence! It looked like a delicious!! The HERBIVORES pitcher went running to the tree...OH NO!! He ate the baseball!! The game could not go on...Remember: Being the biggest player on the team doesn't always make you a winner...

I'm proud that you're my friend, Rescu-Pup
Our Friends

This is from JEANNE!!!

Two bowling teams, one of all Blondes and one of all Brunettes, charter a double-Decker bus for a weekend trip to Louisiana. The Brunette team rode on the bottom of the bus, and the Blonde team rode on the top level.

The Brunette team down below really whooped it up, having a great time, when one of them realized she hadn't heard anything from the Blondes upstairs. She decided to go up and investigate.

When the Brunette reached the top, she found all the Blondes in fear, staring straight ahead at the road, clutching the seats in front of them with white knuckles. The brunette asked, 'What the heck's going on up here? We're having a great time downstairs!'

One of the Blondes looked up at her, swallowed hard and whispered... 'YEAH, BUT YOU'VE GOT A DRIVER!?!'


See ya Monday with some more delicious Low-Carb Recipes

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Italian Chicken and Peppers

Hi ya! The next few weeks will be a busy time for me. But a fun time. I am playing music up at my Church, St. Ambrose, as I did yesterday for the rest of the week and next week as well.

The people I play for are so grateful and happy. So far, no one has thrown any tomatoes at me. But I guess they wouldn't do that in church so I am safe. HA!

I play the old Italian Hymns and the Ave Maria. I also do Oh Sole Mio and other Italian Songs better known to the groups. Yesterday, I received some letters from the kids at a school I played for several weeks ago. That really made me feel good.

Mom is doing good and Ziggy is having 2 meals a day now and is as happy as a pig.

This ezine is posted in my Blog at . Be sure to stop by and read the comments or leave one of your own,


The Recipe

How about a Low Carb Italian Dinner today? It's oh so good and no one will know it only has 9g's of Carbohydrates. Let's do it!

Italian Chicken and Peppers (206 Calories/9g Carbohydrates)

1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts (4 half breasts)
3/4 teaspoon Italian Seasoning
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
3 teaspoons olive oil, divided
1/2 red bell pepper, cut into strips
1/2 green bell pepper, cut into strips
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
3 tablespoons balsamic or red wine vinegar
2 teaspoons honey

Place chicken breasts between 2 pieces of wax paper or plastic wrap and pound to 1/2-inch thickness. Sprinkle on both sides with Italian seasoning and pepper.

Heat 2 teaspoons oil in large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add chicken breasts and cook 4 minutes on each side or until no longer pink in center. Remove to serving dish and keep warm. Heat remaining 1 teaspoon oil in skillet. Add red and green bell peppers and garlic powder. Cook 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly, or until bell peppers are tender. Spoon over chicken. Add vinegar and honey to skillet. Cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. Spoon over chicken and bell peppers.

Buon appetito!

American Idol

It was Mariah Carey night and I thought they all did a great job with what they had to work with. Read more here.


Rescu-Pup Corner

Learn and Laugh with Rescu-Pup

To all our dear friends and supporters of Kieto's Recipes and Super Attitude About Life-- Here in our Family News corner, I think I should explain about my name, "Rescu-Pup."

Be the smartest kid in your class by telling them that the word "rescue" comes from the word rescowen in Middle English (ME.), meaning to drive away danger. And what is Middle English?

Well, I think it means a kind of "half-baked" English that people spoke long ago... What does your pal R. Pup know about baked? I got to say-- nothing!! Anything baked I got to ask Kieto-- he's the boss!

Moving on to something I know more about-- how I got my name...I never knew my family... all I remember is being a homeless puppy on the streets-- I really wished someone would come to r_____ me. (Can you fill in the word? It means to drive away danger...)

For homeless dogs, the best place to get food was at the trash can outside the Sorrento Delly... Someone very kind was leaving lots of extra meatballs in the trash bags... Just between you and me, I think Kieto was working there part time... We dogs believed that Kieto was "the Angel of the Alley."

Then one day it happened... I was r____d and ended up at a shelter for homeless animals! Then two nice people took me home! It's like heaven for this puppy... except sometimes I miss those Italian meatballs!

I'm proud you're my friend, Rescu-Pup


Our Friends

Please let Marian know that I went through radiation treatment 2-1/2 years ago. It wasn't painful, and it really wasn't hard. I did have to go every weekday for 40 treatments, but the cancer was in my vocal chords and I well remember the face mask. Tell her to buck up. It worked for me. Laine

Thanks for the low carb recipe, gonna make it tonight. Can you pass along a little message to Marion for me. I went through Radiation three years ago, a lot of time and work went into those treatments, the doctors and nurses couldn't have been nicer and really, there is nothing to fear, it does not hurt, you can not feel a thing. Every one was so nice and kind, one of my friends even sent me a scrub that snapped up the front so I could wear it to radiation instead of the silly gowns they make you wear. Be brave, things will get better. I believe your attitude is what usually gets you through a tough situation. Will put you in our prayer circle. Jessie

Take care Marion and you are always in our prayers. Kieto and Nina

Hello Keith,Thank you and Mom for your nice emails. Also Thanks to all who are so kind with good wishes and uplifting words. Especially ,to Jessie who sent words of encouragement,since she had radiation. Also to Laine, who had radiation-face mask and all-and I have neck and throat and voice box is paralyzed. Feel better about tomorrow after hearing from Jessie and Laine. I am Blessed with friends who help me so much. I hope you will stay"free" for many years. Keep in touch. Love to all, Marion Hi Mom, I cleaned 2 closets last week. Keep feeling better. Love, Marion


See ya Friday with some funny jokes to start your weekend with a smile.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hearty Low Carb Turkey Bake

Hi ya and Happy Monday to ya. What a weekend! It's been a bit chilly and wet here in St. Louis. Makes me wonder if we're skipping Spring and Summer all together and moving right on to Fall. But hopefully, the weather will get better and me and Ziggy can walk around outside without any shoes and socks on. hehehe.

The Blog ( ) is doing well and the comments are finally working right. Thanks for your feedback.

Speaking of feedback I need it again. A fellow writer contacted me and asked me to run a little column for them. I said I would. It's below the Recipe and it's called, "Rescu-Pup Corner". Let me know what you think.

Finally, if you remember a while back, I spoke of my friend Tom Collora. He is truly a remarkable man. But his wife Connie seems to be the one who is truly remarkable in his eyes. He was telling me Sunday that the Cancer is back and back with a vengeance. She is fighting it each day. I can't even begin to tell you how many bouts of Cancer she has fought off. Please keep them in your prayers.

Got an e-mail from Marion also. It's in the Our Friends Section.


The Recipe

I got this e-mail from one of our subscribers. Here's the e-mail. I miss read it the first time. I thought it was 45 calories. ssheesh! Makes a difference. Lets do it!

Hi Kieto, Today I decided to clean out my email box, no small job since I have had this same address for almost 10 years. I have a folder that I put all your recipes in so I don't loose them, I transfer them to a CD when I get around to cleaning the files. Today that is my chore, and we go way back to Tuesday, April 18, 2006. Only have left to 170 to transfer, LOL. As I read the recipes it brings to mind the new diet the doctor put me on and a lot of the wonderful recipes I can't use anymore (heavy sigh). I am on a low carb diet, no more than 40 to 45 carbs per meal. That isn't a diet, it is a way of life, I spend half the day trying to figure out what I can eat for my next meal and not make my son feel like he is on a restricted diet too. I think the thing I miss most is pasta and rice. Last night I made spaghetti, cooked a spaghetti squash and used that in place of spaghetti, my son had regular spaghetti, I had low cal spaghetti. That was a win win situation. Do you have any low cal recipes you can share with us? Jessie

Hearty Low Carb Turkey Bake (187 Calories/26g Carbs)

3 cups mashed potatoes
1/2 cup fat-free cheddar cheese, grated
1-1/2 cup turkey light meat, skinless -- cooked and chopped
1-1/2 cup frozen mixed vegetables -- thawed and drained
10-3/4 ounce low-fat cream of mushroom soup
1/4 cup skim milk
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 cup fat-free cheddar cheese, grated

Preheat oven to 375-degrees. Prepare a 1-1/2-quart casserole dish with cooking spray.

In a mixing bowl, combine mashed potatoes and 1/2-cup cheese. Spoon potato mixture in prepared dish. Using back of spoon, spread pototoes across bottom and up sides of dish to form a shell. In another mixing bowl, combine turkey, vegetables, soup, milk, mustard, garlic powder, and black pepper. Pour over potato shell. Bake for 30 minutes.

Top with remaining cheese and bake three minutes more or until cheese has melted. Recipe makes four servings.

Buon appetito!


Rescu-Pup Corner


Hey! It's your pal R. Pup reporting for the family. I GOT to tell you about a trip to the Botanical Gardens!

Botanical is about: 1. Buttons, 2. Plants, 3. The Human Body.

If you guessed number 2., you are cooler than Kieto at the walk-in freezer for some of his famous gelato! If you guessed anything, you are cool just for giving it a try.

Soooo...congratulations everyone, and here comes my report about PLANTS at the Botanical Gardens. I never knew there were so many PLANTS in the world...Flowers! Trees! Shrubs! (looked like bushes to me) Cactus! Fire Hydrant! (Oops, sorry...) AND NOW.... The Absolute Best Part (da da da DA da da...) THE HERB GARDEN!!

The Herb Garden has plants we can cook with. I saw basil, oregano, other plants for giving a special taste to food. My human partners are trying to join Kieto's Kitchen Club so that they can learn to cook with all these nice herbs. I saw parsley, too... the little sign said it was popular as a garnish. I JUST HAVE TO HAVE a parsley garnish on my dish of dog food...when it looks good, I FEEL GOOD. (Just don't tell the other dogs on the block, okay?)

I'm proud you're my friend, Rescu-Pup


Our Friends

Hello, How is Mom?She had a Thurs. appt, I think(me too)and hope she got a good report. (no ezine today for update). My #10 treatment seemed to help,thank goodness. Since #9, I have been awful. Swallowing,eating,breathingand sleeping so hard. Got so disgusted and then went to Jeff, had # 10 and today has been great. Should last a day or two more-then wear off. Going Tues. 15th for markings,etc, then 1st radiation. Anxious to start, but sort of scared too. My mass is so big, something has to be done. Kieto , never did I imagine that I would end up like this. Doing my best to change it. All the prayers help. I know that. My oncology Dr. keeps saying" you won't give up.will you? Please don't. You are strong and have a wonderful attitude. You will do fine with radi" So here goes on Tues-have had my face mask made- so pretty(HAHA) Wish me luck ,in one of the hardest projects I have ever had to do. Hope I can finish it. It is in His Hands for this. I might make it to 90,who knows? Have a wonderful weekend. Make many people smile with your beautiful voice and songs. I envy you that privilege. (not really envy-that's not me) Enjoy life and Mom, you do the same. Always thoughts and prayers for you two and family. GodBless, Love, Marion

Hi ya Marion. Mom is fine. She got a good report from the doc and is trying to exercise each day. Well, you sure have a great outlook on things and life being what they are. You are an inspiration to all of us. We all wish you all the best and you are certainly in our prayers. God Bless, Kieto


See ya Wednesday!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Fun Friday with Yolanda Bambina

Hi ya. It's Fun Friday. Before we get to it though, here's some help from Lisa in So. CA regarding my Blog.

This might help some of you who want to know when Kieto posts to his blog: I recently was told how to subscribe to blogs so I can see if there is a new post. You can subscribe to Kieto's blog by clicking on "subscribe to posts" on the right side of his blog page. Then you confirm that you want to subscribe on the next page. After you subscribe you will have a little "Kieto's Daily Recipe and Funnies" at the top of your browser window. When you get on the computer each day just give it a click and you will get a drop down menu listing the titles of his posts, with the most recent at the top. If there is a new post, click on it and you will go to that page. If there isn't a new post, just click it again and the menu disappears. (Forgive me if you all knew this already but it was headline news for me!! Kieto, if there is a better way to do this maybe you could explain it better.) Lisa & family & kitties in So CA

Thanks Lisa!
This is a story I wrote a few years ago. It always gives me a chuckle. I hope it will do the same for you and start your weekend off with a laugh. It's the story of....

Yolanda Bambina, The Virtuoso by Kieto

Yolanda Bambina could accompany herself on the piano with her toes while she played the violin. She would remove her shoes and socks, sit back in a chair constructed especially for her and begin to play the most beautiful concertos and sonatas you've ever heard with the toes on her feet. And then at the same time, she would take the violin, put it under her chin and play music that would make any virtuoso cry like a baby.

One day, Yolanda set up a video camera to catch this truly unique talent because she wanted very much to perform in front of a live audience and become famous. She turned the camera on, removed her shoes and socks and sat back in her chair. The number she chose to play was 'The Flight of the Bumblebee' by Rimsky-Korsakov.

It was something to see. Yolanda's toes up and down the keyboard and the arpeggios she performed were magnificent! And her skill as a concert violinist was that of Paganini, Itzhak Perlman, or Issac Stern all rolled into one.

Yolanda removed the video from the camera and sent it to the New York Philharmonic hoping that she could be a guest performer on stage spotlighting her talent.

There was only one thing that bothered Yolanda and it also bothered anyone else who was in the same room. She had a very, very bad foot fungus problem. When she removed her shoes and socks, she could barely stand the smell of her feet herself. They just stunk up the room something awful. Many times while she practiced, she wore a surgical mask and sometimes that wouldn't even help they stunk so bad. Let me put it to you this way. If you were within 20 feet of Yolanda and experienced symptoms of dizziness, short of breath, and found it extremely hard to swallow, the best way to remedy further discomfort would be to completely evacuate yourself from the area.

She did receive a letter of invitation and acceptance by special courier from the New York Philharmonic. She was beside herself. She was so, so happy. She was to perform on May 27th, which was a Saturday night in front of a sold out crowd.

On the afternoon of the 27th, she arrived at the concert hall and was shown to her dressing room. She soaked her feet, but she knew no matter what she did, nothing would help. Her feet always did stink; no matter what she did, or how many visits she made to the doctor, or what she sprayed them with. They just plain stunk.

The piano tuner, who had just got back from his anchovies, onion, garlic, and Gorgonzola pizza lunch, was to tune the piano before the concert. Although he was sucking on a breath mint, nothing could get rid of the garlic and Gorgonzola cheese. He made his way to the stage to do his tuning.

Yolanda wanted to warm up a bit before the concert so removed her shoes and socks, sat back in her chair and started doing these amazing exercises and arpeggios with her toes while at the same time, doing some warm-ups up and down the fingerboard of her Stradivarius.

All of a sudden, the piano tuner interrupted her when he tapped on the piano in the middle of her warm-up.

She stopped and snapped at him! "WHAT! What is it you want? Can't you see I am getting ready for my debut? WHAT!!"

The piano tuner leaned over and breathing his breath on her, whispered, "Lady, I just need to tell you something."

"I already know! You ate my socks!! You ever hear of a breath mint?" she exclaimed.

"Well, yes I have!" he replied. "And something around here made Right Guard go left, Speed Stick slow down, Secret obvious, and Sure confused!"

The moral of todays story: If your feet smell, don't complain about someone’s breath.

The End

American Idol

Well, I was over emotional last night. Yup. Got all choked up Wednesday night with all the entertainers and starts, etc. But last night, the first song the group did was the best. I think it was called "Shout to The Lord." I got all choked up and teary eye. I sure did. I was gonna pick Michael to go home because he gave Simon a little backtalk. Usually what happens. Amanda, Ramiele and Chekezie did same thing and poof... gone. Anyways, check out the site for the results from last night.


Our Friends

You can leave and read comments at the Blog. Let me know what you think. Thanks. Kieto

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Kieto's Cole Slaw

Hi ya! I took Mom to the Doc this morning for a Mammogram, a bone density test and another blood test. She says hello to all and hopes her son isn't boring you. HA! She told me doc appt. was at 8am. I got her there but the nurse said appt. wasn't until 830. Mom said, she wanted to make sure she got there in time. I ALWAYS get her to places she needs to go in plenty of time. Oh well. Now I know. hehehe.

Leaving your comments on the Blog is easy. I tested it out and it works fine now for leaving your comments. Here's how it works. At the bottom of the article, you see the word Comments. Click on it and leave your comment. Type in the funny word into the box. (This is to prevent spam from spam bots). Click the Name/URL button and enter your name and Click publish comment and it's done. I will get an email notification so I can publish. Now, I am just testing this out. I still have to send out an email letting you know that there is a post on the Blog. Whew.

The Recipe

I made a pizza last night and used my cole slaw as a condiment. Man, was it great. hot and cripsp on da bottom, cold and tasty on top. Let's do it!

Kieto's Cole Slaw

3 tablespoons vegetable oil
3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. ground black pepper
1/2 tsp. celery salt
1 tablespoons of sugar
4 cups shredded green cabbage
2 2/3 cups shredded red cabbage
1 small onion grated
2 carrots, peeled and shredded
1 cup minced red bell pepper

In a large bowl, whisk together first 6 ingredients.
Pour over green and red cabbage, onion, carrots and red pepper. Toss to coat evenly. Cover and refrigerate several hours before serving.

Buon appetito!
American Idol

It was Inspirational Song night last night. I didn't shed one tear and you know how emotional I get. hmmpf. Anyways, check out our votes and comments.

Our Friends

Kieto,I like the use of your blog for the ezine. It has more pizzazz. But you will probably still need to send out an email with the link to the blog to remind me you have written. Without the email and link I probably wouldn't get over to your blog to look at it. Mary

Hi Kieto! Guess I didn't realize that we wouldn't be able to post comments to your blog. Here's what I had tried to post: This looks great, Kieto! Now, I'm curious, will there just always be a link in the newsletter that you send out, or will you eventually just be putting the newsletter on here and we'll bookmark your blog and come to it directly? Oh, and the pulled beef recipe sounds yummy...can't wait to try it! Karen

Hey, I like it! I understand you needed to go back to the old newsletter format so it would reach everyone, but I have missed the color, animations, etc. If this allows you to include it again - without other problems - I say go for it! Don't forget to post the link to vote on your blog. Lisa & family & kitties in So CA

I hope you don't have any more probs after my explanation above. Like I said, I'm just trying this out. We'll see. Thanks all. Kieto

See ya Friday with a funny story.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Weather and Pull Apart Beef

Hi ya! What a beautiful weekend we had here in St. Louis. Some, I know, especially in the NW, didn't have such a good weekend weather wise. But hey, 5 years of Winter was too much for me.

I made me some pulled beef and cole slaw yesterday. It was so good, the back of my head was sweating. MamaJo, who only lives a few blocks away offered me some slaw to pick up and I forgot. Not once, but 3 times. Ouch! Oh well, I'm off the list now.

I used the recipe for pulled beef below only I added a few things. It cooked much of the day. Not gonna waste any time. Let's start off Monday the right way.

Kieto's Pull Apart Beef

3 lb. boneless chuck roast (lean)

1 stalk celery, chopped

1 med. onion, chopped

1 green pepper, chopped

3 oz. catsup

3 tbsp. vinegar

1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 tbsp. salt

1 tsp. pepper

1 1/2 cup chicken stock

1/8 cup balsamic vinegar

Mix all. Pour over beef in roasting pan. Cover and bake 1 hour at 400. Then lower temp to 250 for 3 hours.

Take out and let it rest for a good 15 minutes.

Meat should be falling apart. Shred it with fork. Reduce the juices a little while adding a little balsamic vinegar to taste. Pour over pulled beef.

Serve on crisp buns and top with cole slaw. Freeze well.

Mama mia and buon appetito. Kieto

Our Friends

Good morning from rainy NJ, No plans so OK. Hope I have a can of corned beef so I can make recipe. I do it with pkg. c.beef and also ground meat. Never used can c. beef. Might try diced chick ,too. So many plans, for which I need time(my thought). Hope Mom is stillimproving. Pray and think of her so often. Will send my update soon. Another bump or two, I'm losing count. I am OK. S'long 'til next time with love to you and family and of course, Thanks. Marion

Mom is getting out more to other places thank just the doctor. However, she does have an appointment on the 10th this month. Take care Marion. You are in all of our prayers. Kieto