Kieto's Daily Recipe and Funnies

Kieto's Daily Recipe and Funnies has been around for 9 years. Many of our family of subscribers have been with me that long. This is going to be a new experience posting my ezine in a blog from here on out. I hope it goes good.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Fun Friday with Yolanda Bambina

Hi ya. It's Fun Friday. Before we get to it though, here's some help from Lisa in So. CA regarding my Blog.

This might help some of you who want to know when Kieto posts to his blog: I recently was told how to subscribe to blogs so I can see if there is a new post. You can subscribe to Kieto's blog by clicking on "subscribe to posts" on the right side of his blog page. Then you confirm that you want to subscribe on the next page. After you subscribe you will have a little "Kieto's Daily Recipe and Funnies" at the top of your browser window. When you get on the computer each day just give it a click and you will get a drop down menu listing the titles of his posts, with the most recent at the top. If there is a new post, click on it and you will go to that page. If there isn't a new post, just click it again and the menu disappears. (Forgive me if you all knew this already but it was headline news for me!! Kieto, if there is a better way to do this maybe you could explain it better.) Lisa & family & kitties in So CA

Thanks Lisa!
This is a story I wrote a few years ago. It always gives me a chuckle. I hope it will do the same for you and start your weekend off with a laugh. It's the story of....

Yolanda Bambina, The Virtuoso by Kieto

Yolanda Bambina could accompany herself on the piano with her toes while she played the violin. She would remove her shoes and socks, sit back in a chair constructed especially for her and begin to play the most beautiful concertos and sonatas you've ever heard with the toes on her feet. And then at the same time, she would take the violin, put it under her chin and play music that would make any virtuoso cry like a baby.

One day, Yolanda set up a video camera to catch this truly unique talent because she wanted very much to perform in front of a live audience and become famous. She turned the camera on, removed her shoes and socks and sat back in her chair. The number she chose to play was 'The Flight of the Bumblebee' by Rimsky-Korsakov.

It was something to see. Yolanda's toes up and down the keyboard and the arpeggios she performed were magnificent! And her skill as a concert violinist was that of Paganini, Itzhak Perlman, or Issac Stern all rolled into one.

Yolanda removed the video from the camera and sent it to the New York Philharmonic hoping that she could be a guest performer on stage spotlighting her talent.

There was only one thing that bothered Yolanda and it also bothered anyone else who was in the same room. She had a very, very bad foot fungus problem. When she removed her shoes and socks, she could barely stand the smell of her feet herself. They just stunk up the room something awful. Many times while she practiced, she wore a surgical mask and sometimes that wouldn't even help they stunk so bad. Let me put it to you this way. If you were within 20 feet of Yolanda and experienced symptoms of dizziness, short of breath, and found it extremely hard to swallow, the best way to remedy further discomfort would be to completely evacuate yourself from the area.

She did receive a letter of invitation and acceptance by special courier from the New York Philharmonic. She was beside herself. She was so, so happy. She was to perform on May 27th, which was a Saturday night in front of a sold out crowd.

On the afternoon of the 27th, she arrived at the concert hall and was shown to her dressing room. She soaked her feet, but she knew no matter what she did, nothing would help. Her feet always did stink; no matter what she did, or how many visits she made to the doctor, or what she sprayed them with. They just plain stunk.

The piano tuner, who had just got back from his anchovies, onion, garlic, and Gorgonzola pizza lunch, was to tune the piano before the concert. Although he was sucking on a breath mint, nothing could get rid of the garlic and Gorgonzola cheese. He made his way to the stage to do his tuning.

Yolanda wanted to warm up a bit before the concert so removed her shoes and socks, sat back in her chair and started doing these amazing exercises and arpeggios with her toes while at the same time, doing some warm-ups up and down the fingerboard of her Stradivarius.

All of a sudden, the piano tuner interrupted her when he tapped on the piano in the middle of her warm-up.

She stopped and snapped at him! "WHAT! What is it you want? Can't you see I am getting ready for my debut? WHAT!!"

The piano tuner leaned over and breathing his breath on her, whispered, "Lady, I just need to tell you something."

"I already know! You ate my socks!! You ever hear of a breath mint?" she exclaimed.

"Well, yes I have!" he replied. "And something around here made Right Guard go left, Speed Stick slow down, Secret obvious, and Sure confused!"

The moral of todays story: If your feet smell, don't complain about someone’s breath.

The End

American Idol

Well, I was over emotional last night. Yup. Got all choked up Wednesday night with all the entertainers and starts, etc. But last night, the first song the group did was the best. I think it was called "Shout to The Lord." I got all choked up and teary eye. I sure did. I was gonna pick Michael to go home because he gave Simon a little backtalk. Usually what happens. Amanda, Ramiele and Chekezie did same thing and poof... gone. Anyways, check out the site for the results from last night.


Our Friends

You can leave and read comments at the Blog. Let me know what you think. Thanks. Kieto

Have a great weekend!


At 10:36 AM , Blogger ~Marie from Buffalo said...

Loved your story today! I may have told you this when you first published your Yolanda story, but in case I didn't, my daughter is in the choir at our church and the choir director is named ... are you ready for this?... Yolanda Gambino, isn't that a hoot! I'm tempted to print out your story and show it to her! Thanks for the funniness! ~Marie from Buffalo

At 7:06 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I remember the Yolanda story from some time back and I enjoyed reading it again today. As far as Idol is concerned, I hadn't thought about it that way...that whoever talked back to Simon seems to be the next to go. You may just have something there. I still think it's a shame that Michael got voted off, though, because to me, he has a better voice than several of the others. Oh well... Karen


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