Fun Friday with Boxcar Pete
Hi ya! I hope you all have a great weekend.
Here's one of my favorite stories to start the weekend off with a bang.
Boxcar Pete and the Three Blind Mice by Kieto
Boxcar Pete had been working for the railroad for 45 years and he was just one day away from retirement. He was a rough and tough old bird, but he also had a heart of gold. Over the years, he had to remove many transients, or hobos, from the empty boxcars, but would always offer a bit of advice, a reassuring pat on the back and possibly a few dollars to help them out from time to time.
Each day, he would show up for work in his coveralls and the same hat he had been wearing for those 45 years. He'd check the box cars in the assigned out-going trains for hobo's or anyone else possibly trying to steal a lift to a nearby town. Although he was only one day away from retirement, that morning was no different than any other.
Walking along the tracks checking the empty box cars, one by one, peering in from the door and then closing it, he heard something peculiar as he approached the next box car to be checked. It was music. Beautiful music! Music like he never heard before. Curious, he crept along making sure he didn't make any noises. When he got to the door, he opened it very slowly and peered in. He was astonished at what he saw. It was three mice playing little instruments. One was playing a rubberband with his mouth, another played the drums on an old spool of thread with two tooth picks, and the third was playing a hollow tube made from a small ladies hair clasp. He also noticed that they had no tails.
Boxcar Pete climbed into the box car, sat and listened for a little while. When he started to tell them how much he enjoyed their music, they stopped playing and just froze because you see, they were three 'blind' mice. He assured them that nothing would happen to them. They explained that they were on the run and had been for some time and thought the person looking for them finally caught up with them. He asked, "What happened to you?"
And in unison, they sang...
" We're three blind mice, three blind mice, you should have seen us run, we all ran after the farmers wife, who cut off our tails with a carving knife, did you ever see such a thing in your life, we' re three blind mice, three blind mice!"
Boxcar pete was so impressed, he took them home with him and promised no harm would ever come to them. He spent his retirement years on his front porch swing, with a glass of tea each night listening to his friends, the three blind mice entertain him with music from the 30's and 40's. He also had to oil them every once in awhile. Why? Because mice squeak!
After many years, Boxcar Pete said in jest as to give them comfort, "Why do mice have long tails anyways?" To which the three blind mice replied, "Well, they would look pretty funny with long hair!"
And one time, his basement flooded and the three blind mice almost drowned. How did Boxcar Pete save them you ask? He used mouse to mouse resuscitation! And they lived happily ever after.
The End
Rescu-Pup's Corner
Learn and Laugh with Rescu-Pup
Thanks, Kieto, for putting together all the Friday fun!! I promised to tell you more about our picnic in the park...This second part of our story is called "THE ATTACK OF THE PICNIC MESSER-UPPERS!!"
We have just about finished playing games when a friend shows up for the picnic. It's ZIGGY THE CAT--and we we're so glad to see Ziggy because this cat can really throw a frisbee!
Ziggy is bringing something GREAT for the picnic--It's Kieto's Cauliflower Potato Salad!! Ziggy's favorite part of the salad are the 3 hard cooked eggs,chopped. Ziggy says "Buon Appetito," which is Italian for "Dig In!!!"
We are all enjoying the salad, but little crumbs of egg, scallions and chopped parsley are everywhere...(Everyone say "CUE THE MESSER-UPPERS!")...Look-- here come THOUSANDS OF ANTS!!! They're coming this way!
Mighty Minds, can you finish this sentence?Ants can live in groups as large as:
l. 300
2. 3000
3. 300 million
Any guess shows you are smart, but the answer is number 3. HOW TO STOP THE ANTS? Ziggy says to "RAISE THE SECURITY NET-- THEY CAN'T GET PAST IT!" "Sorry...We forgot to pack one..." (Ooops!) ZIGGY TO THE RESCUE: Ziggy eats up all the little crumbs we dropped! THERE ARE NO MORE CRUMBS! THIS MEANS THE ANTS GO BACK HOME!
I'm proud to be your friend, Rescu-Pup
Our Friends
i live in best friend made this veryery recipe.linda i loved it..been looking for it for loved it there it is..ty very much ..i loveyour news letter..a friend in arkansas....i have alot of your recipes in a folder called Kitos..ty i save them.. ty so much ...Patricia
That's cool Patricia. Glad I made somebodies day. lol. Thanks. Kieto
Just a quick note to say thanks, have tried all the recipes, and other than the blue cheese (not fond of that) each one is really great. Gonna change the cheese so we can go for 100%! Can't wait to get started on the "potato" salad, that is a tomorrow meal. You are aces!!!! Jessie
I am making that one this weekend. Glad you are enjoying the recipes. Kieto
You brought back some great memories of Salas - I worked just north of them in the early 1940's, they used to make cherry ice-cream that was to die for - we used to walk down the alley and get sandwiches from Berras - used to go in the kitchen from the back door and watch them put them together - when I worked there it was Mines Equipment Co., and later on it was a photo place- the plant made fire control equipment for the armed services, I wish I could remember where the main plant was - you are far too young to remember that era. Faye
I'm young if I don't look in the mirror. However, you are right. I went to Salas when I was a kid and later as an adult. Loved that place. This is what Joann said:
I just have to add my (.02 cents) worth about Sala's Restaurant that you mentioned on Wednesday. You talked about going there when you were young. Well believe it or not I also went there when I was young and I know that I'm much older then you. If you ask your Mom she probably went there too on "Date Night". The big thing was to go to a "Big Movie" House where they had Double Features on Friday and Saturday Night. After the movies on the way home we went to Sala's for their huge juicy Hamburger and their "Thick Malts" that wouldn't even pour out of the metal mixing container. We did all this while taking Street Cars and later Buses. Of course I was escorted home by my Boy Friend who was soon to be my Husband. His problem was by the time we did all of this he almost always missed the "Last Street Car" and had to walk home. Poor Guy! I guess I was worth it because we were together over (50) years. Of course by then we were out of money and couldn't do anything but walk around together the rest of the week. Good Night and Hugs JoM
See ya Monday.
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